Grandmother Wisdom
1973 Constitution change
Please click the button below to be able to print of this flyer
This page is for General Information that the Community may not be aware of and therefore could be of interest
Timeline to Treason, by Dick Yardley
please click below to view
The above doc’s are an absolute must read for an understanding of where, every man, woman and child stands within Australia
Human Rights
and where we stand within that Construct. Click below to download for more Information.
Documentation from our Presentation on August 31st 2023
National Action
Summary of Tim Dwyer Presentation on 12th July 2023
Victorian Constitution; a fraud. Please click below to open pdf.
Statement by Brian Shaw re: 2020 Victorian Council Elections
Letters Patent constituting the office of Governor-General of Australia
Open Letter to Public Servants Please click below, to print of and present in person
Please click the button below to veiw the FOI
Unprecedented Levels of Eildon Weir/Dam. Please click below to open image, Flood waiting to happen
“What is 5G”; The Discussion(held on May 31st and June 14th and July 25th)
Please click below to open up/download all links and Studies referred to in these discussions
Info from our other My Place Communities
Victorian Property Titles - What you Need to know
Please look at and read through the PowerPoint first before doing anything.
Stop the Closure of Post office Licenses and reduction of Services
This is an important read
Letter by MP Russell Broadbent
Please click on the following link, read and then ask the questions.
"Where is all this facial recognition stored?"
"What gives them the right too surveil us with camera's, going about our private business?"
"Any person is capable of helping another person, or ringing the Police if its really needed"
"Do cameras have to be recording us to accomplish this?"
Please read their own Surveillance By-laws.
Myplace, thankyou for your amazing work fighting for Australia's freedoms. We have a website ready for the international push for Exiting the World Health Organisation.
Goes as follows:
Our national sovereignty is at risk! The World Health Assembly are discussing amendments to the International Health Regulations behind closed doors.
They want to remove wording like "dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms" from the IHR and adapt wording from "should" to "shall". One other major concern is "Passenger Locator Forms" (or PLFs). Meaning everyone would digitally need to submit their plans of travel regional, interstate and/or international.
The first step is to email as many state and federal MPs/Senators that you wish. This you can do here:
Then it's heavily up to us! This needs to get into Middle Australia, everyday mums and dads. It also needs to get into MSM. We can do this through independent media and Myplace have been one of the few organisations to be successful at this recently 🥰.
You can join us on Twitter:
Or telegram:
For more updates. James Roguski has done a very informative video on why this is important. To view this go to:
For any questions, or how to get further involved, please contact us on:
Thankyou, let's get this done.